Sunday 27 May 2012

My weekend

Friday :  Since we had a long weekend i spent friday in my room cleaning it, LAME.  Hey i didn't get a choice.

Saturday:  At four oclock we went to the movies to see the avengers. It was awesome i wish i could see it again.

Sunday: On sunday I slept in.  I had cereal for breakfast. And that was it.

Monday 21 May 2012

My Weekend

On saturday my little brother terence had soccer again.  After his game I went home to clean my room.  Pretty lame huh?

On sunday I had a big guitar concert where all my guitar teachers students put on a show for there parents. There were about fourty or fifty people there.  My two songs went perfectly.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 22

1. Describe what happened in this chapter.  The ground erupted and Jackson got buried in boiling hot mud.
2. Reflect on your literacy work this week. PMI - the good, the bad and the interesting...

P:  Weve been on laptops a lot and done a lot of reading.
M:  Theres been a lot of lieracy work to get done.
I:  Listening and reading the story.

My weeks 1.5 km run times

On Wednesday I got 8:32
On Thursday I got 8:30
And on Friday I got 8:24

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 20

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

1.  What did Matt and Eve find? The diamonds inside the candle holder.
2.  Do you think they should go with Ana?  No because she could be leading them into a trap with the gang.  

Monday 14 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 19

WALT: Edit and proof read our writing.

1. Why did they go to the museum?  Because Matt wanted to hand in the sovereigns and Eve had her paper to deliver.                        
2. What is going to happen next?  The WXK gang go to the museum and see the sovereigns on display and know that Matt handed them in and didn't give it to them.  They threaten Matt to steal them back from the museum or they'll drop him in the skeleton pit and bury him alive.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 16

WALT - Find the meaning of words.

1. Find the meaning of the following words: console / briefly / bombarded / edition / pendant
    Console:  A video console is a system you can put video games into like PlayStation.
    Briefly:  For a short period of time. e.g Briefly the party was a disaster.
    Bombarded:  Hit with a lot of something e.g The car was bombarded with gravel as it drove over the new    
    Edition:  A particular version of a product.e.g The special edition of the news paper is based on a missing  
    Pendant:  A piece of jewellery that some women wear. e.g The woman had a lovely pendent.
2. Find where each word is used during the chapter and give the page number and paragraph number.
    Console:  Page 116 paragraph 1.
    Briefly:  Page 116 paragraph 3.
    Bombarded:  Page 116 paragraph 5
    Edition:  Page 117 paragraph 1
    Pendent:  Page 117 paragraph 2  

3. Wow me with an amazing sentence for each word.

    Playstation has released a new video game Console.
    I threw the ball to my friend and he Briefly held onto it.
    I decided to play dodge ball but as soon as I walked onto the court I was Bombarded with dodge balls. 
    The christmas Edition of the daily babbler news paper cam out today.
    The dog ate my mums new pendent and mum thought I ate it.

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 17

1.  What is Gawks real name?  His name is Cecil Hilton.
2.  Where does he live?  In a galvanized garage.
3.  Why did he give the items back?  Because Jackson threatened him about the gang.
4.  Would you be worried if you were Matt?  Yes because Jackson used threats just like gang members do.

My one kilometre lap time.

It's peanut butter Brennan time!
peanut butter Brennan time!
Sorry im just happy because i beat my time by heeps.  O.K im not gonna lie any more i got three seconds better (4:42).

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 14

WALT - Justify answers using information from text.

1. Why had Matt not slept well?  Because of Jackson and the gang planing the robery.

2. Why did Nan tell Matt that he was famous?  Because he was in the newspaper about the skeleton.

3. What happened to Matt in the Redwoods?   The gawk came and stole his metal detector and sovereins.

4. What did Eve find out?  That Jack Boult was the thief and skeleton.

My one kilometre run.

For our one k run around the school my time was 4:45.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 15

WALT- Justify answers using information from text.

1.  Why did Hone get angry?  Because Jackson was getting involved in the gang and Matt hadn't told him.
2.  My prediction of whats going to happen next?  The gang has guns and when they drive past they shot the tires the car loses control and hits a power pole.  When they all climb out the gang chases them. 

Sunday 6 May 2012

Volcanic Eruptions

1.  How do volcanos erupt?
2.  How many people die in volcano eruptions a year?
3.  What is the most active volcano in the world?
4.  How hot is volcano magma?
5.  How many volcanos are there in the world?
6.  How is pumis made?

My weekend

My weekend.

I spent the weekend recovering from my flu and vomiting.  After going to my little brothers soccer practice I spent the rest of the day slopping around doing nothing and watching T.V. The next day I decided that I should make a drawing bentch which has the front up so that you don't have to bend over when drawing. Dad said he'd help me and we got to work. When we were finished it looked pretty cool. I put on the undercoat with a paint brush. now all I have to do is put blue paint on it and im done.